When you come to Coastal Body Studio, you can be rest assured you are only getting top-quality instruction.
Weighing in at least 700 hours, this program is modeled after the rigorous teacher training program Joseph Pilates, himself, used to train his instructors.
There’s a reason Hollywood A-listers and pro athletes have sworn by Pilates for decades, and we don’t need to mess with the perfection of the Pilates System. We’re here to preserve that legacy.
Our number one priority is you seeing results -
what is pilates?
Created by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s, Pilates is a system of exercises that is uniquely defined by its use of spring-loaded equipment and mats. This is a full body and mind practice that:
increases energy and mental health
improves posture, balance, and flexibility
reduces injury risk
enhances core stability
alleviates chronic back pain
develops long, lean muscles
safely & quickly.
Lindsay Jackson Ward
Lindsay is a born and raised Charlestonian and a 3rd Generation Certified Classical Pilates Instructor through Penelope Wyer-Barrow in Asheville, NC. She has been teaching in the Mount Pleasant are for 7 years and has recently taken her talents over to the Daniel Island area. A former professional dancer, she may have hung up her dancing shoes, but she still lives out her passion by helping her clients feel better through movement, and educating them to workout and strengthen their bodies without injury. She maintains her expertise by attending workshops and training with well-known classical instructors such as Mejo Wiggin, Brooke Siler, Kathi Ross Nash, & Blossom Leilani- Crawford.